
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

June Harvests Begin

Farmer John is currently out of the country again, hanging out in the West African country of Liberia.  The list of garden tasks he left in my hands was once again a lengthy one.  But first off, girl’s night!  My friend, Jamie, who is also eating gluten-free for now, was still awaiting her husband’s return from a far-away place.  We try to plan a slumber party whenever their travels overlap so we decided to pair that with a tasty gluten-free dinner!  As soon as they arrived, we immediately went out to the garden to take a tour and pick some baby greens, which is overflowing right now (will post pictures soon).  I then handed out some recycled strawberry containers so that we could each fill them up with ripe wild strawberries.  Check out how beautiful these raspberry-esque strawberries look!

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My girls, Bethie (left) and Jamie were some pickin’ fools.

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I’m trying to pick as many as possible to freeze and keep for smoothies!

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Before Farmer John left and while Jessica was up in Boone, we picked quite a bit too!  They’re never ending!

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Back to the slumber party…we made a delicious gluten-free macaroni pasta with fresh veggies, homemade sauce, pesto, and feta.  Such a colorful meal! 

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Afterwards, we made yummy chocolate chip cookies, but I forgot to take a picture of them.  Oops!  But what I didn’t forget to do was take a picture of tonight’s bake-off:  gluten-free banana bread!  I used the recipe from the expensive Namaste Perfect Flour Blend. 


Here’s the recipe

…and here’s the banana bread that I’m proud to say turned out really well!

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My husband will be disappointed that I don’t have more pictures of his precious plants.  I spent all my time planting last night instead of photographing.  I will update this weekend for those who are on the edge of your seat to see the progress (aka: John).  Hope you’re sleeping well in Liberia.  Your plants and your wife miss you a whole lot.  

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